Credit cards can save our lives in a financial crisis if used properly. But sometimes, an unknown charge shakes our whole world. The same thing happened with my friend when she noticed an unknown Rikim Inc. charge on her credit card, and she didn’t have any clue about it.
She immediately informed me, and I started looking for the Rikim Inc charge. After confirming with credit card customer care, I learned about them. In this article, I’ll explain the Rikim Inc. charge and what to do if you get scammed by Rikim Inc.
What Is Rikim Inc Charge? is a registered website under Rikim Inc. that offers lucrative offers on White Mountain Puzzles, Alderspring Ranch, Bath & Body Works, White Oak Pastures farm, etc, on social media through ads.
Once you place an order on their websites and share your personal and card details, Rikim Inc. charges you for the product you bought using your card. If you see a Rikim charge on your credit card, it is because you used your card on the website.
After further research, I learned that my friend was also scammed. Rikim Inc. doesn’t deliver your product after charging you for it. This is because they offer fake shoppers discounts that are not possible. Moreover, they do not provide any confirmation or tracking details about the product, making them a scam website.
Alderspring also added a short note on their website about the Rikim scam. Many users have been duped by Rikim.
What To Do If You Notice An Unauthorized Rikim Inc Charge?
If you have shopped through their website and been scammed, you can lodge a complaint at your nearest police department. After filing the complaint, contact your card provider and raise a chargeback of your transaction amount. It will probably take 90 days to settle the amount.
But if you notice an unauthorised Rikim Inc. charge on your credit card and bank statement and cannot link the transaction to any of your last month’s spending, then it must be a potential fraud. Your card details have been compromised. In case of any unauthorized transaction, contact your card support and block your card immediately.
There are many fake websites that scam users by offering them lucrative offers and duping them. You can check a website’s legitimacy by checking its policy, registered address, and owner details on social media. You can also check website users’ reviews on social media.
Scamming people online is very easy nowadays; that’s why AwaasSoft helps by providing them with a detailed overview of an unknown charge. If you use credit card more often, then you should be aware of these charges:
What Is Brainstrout Charge On Credit Card?
What Is Limited Parkway E Reynoldsburg Charge On Credit Card?