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What Is FC BBRetail Charge On Credit Card?

Reviewing your credit card statement thoroughly every month is a good habit and protects you from unauthorized, fraudulent charges. I always suggest to my family and friends to keep a check on their transaction history to stay on top of your finances.

A few days back, my colleague got an unknown FC BBRetail charge on his credit card statement. He asked me about it, and I explained why he got charged for it and how to check whether the transaction was legit or a scam.

What Is FC BBRetail Charge?

There is not much information available about the FC BBRetail business. A group of TikTok merchants uses FC BBRetail as their transaction description. Many business uses FC as it means Flex Charge.

Moreover, once you shop from these TikTok stores such as FX BBRETAIL, BBRetail,, FC BBRETAIL, marketplacdepotco. These store your card details and randomly charge you. 

These charges are a sign of potential fraud; maybe these businesses sell your card details, or they themselves fraudulently charge you whenever they want.

What To Do If You Notice An Unauthorized FC BBRETAIL Charge?

Now you know why you see the FC BBRETAIL charge on your statement. As these businesses are not safe. I would suggest you contact your credit card issuer bank and tell them about the scam and immediately block your card before they deduct more money.


You can’t trust any business offering you a lucrative offer these days. These too-good-to-be-true deals may prove to be very expensive for many users. But if you are an avid AwaasSoft reader, it’s our responsibility to save you from these latest scams.

Moreover, check out our other charge guide that protects you from hidden charges:

What Is Good Sportsman Charge On Credit Card?

What Is Ooma Inc Charge on Credit Card?

What Is Rikim Inc Charge On Credit Card?


I am Vachi Oh,

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