Did you notice the “Livelook charge” on your credit card statement? If you do not know what this charge is, you are not alone in that. Most people get confused when they notice charges that they have no idea where they emanate from. By the end of this article, you will be able to know what the Livelook charge is, why it has been posted on the credit card, and how to proceed if you have never come across this charge.
What is Livelook?
Livelook is another name of software service or an online site that can be used only if one has to pay for a monthly or yearly subscription or once for a lifetime. Now and then, to avoid publicity, companies subcontract their billing division, and “Livelook” might be the name you see on your statement if you bought something or subscribed to the service.
What is Livelook Charge on Credit Card?
There are several reasons why you might see a Livelook charge on your credit card:
Subscription Service: You may have subscribed to an account or a service that uses Livelook for billing purposes. It could be anything, software, content streaming service, or anything.
One-Time Purchase: In case the company that you made a one-time purchase recently used Livelook as their payment processor.
Trial Period Ending: It is a trick whereby a software or an application offers the user a free trial run of the product for a predetermined time with an understanding that at the end of this duration, they will have to subscribe to this product with an amount of money. In case you subscribed to a trial period, you may be witnessing the first payment a week after the trial is over.
Fraudulent Activity: If none of the aforesaid is true then the charge can be fraudulent or the transaction is unauthorized. In such cases, it is urgent to take steps that would safeguard one’s financial details.
What if You Do Not Know the Charge
If you’re unsure why you’re seeing a Livelook charge on your credit card, here’s what you should do:
Check Your Email: Even better, scan through the Emails you have received to check for receipts or subscriptions that might be linked to Livelook. Sometimes, there could be a chance that the incurred charge could be from a subscription that had been made sometime back or even recently.
Contact Livelook Customer Service: Get in touch with the Livelook company executive or the IT personnel. They can offer an explanation of the charge and inform you which firm has charged you.
Check With Your Bank or Credit Card Provider: If you really suspect that this is a form of scam or fraud, it is best to inform your bank or the company which issued the credit card that you used for the transaction. They can assist you in appealing the charge and make sure that your account does not get any more compromise.
Monitor Your Account: To remain safe, make sure you monitor your credit card statements for other charges made without your consent. One should always ensure that he or she checks their statements over a certain period so that he or she can notice inconsistencies when making comparisons.
Tips For Avoiding Unauthorized Billing
To avoid surprises like an unexpected Livelook charge, consider these tips:
Use Strong Passwords: It is recommended that passwords used in signing into accounts be hard to guess, with different passwords used for different accounts.
Enable Alerts: You should set a couple of transaction alerts with your bank or credit card company to be informed about new charges.
Regularly Review Statements: It is recommended that one should always review credit card statements at least once a month to be certain that the charges were incurred rightfully.
When you do not recognize a Livelook charge on your credit card it may be misleading to you. It is important to know where this charge is coming from even if it is a genuine service or scammers. Just to recall, men should always be careful with their credit card information in order not to be scammed.