Checking your credit card and bank statement every month is very important to protect yourself from any unauthorized charges and online scams. A similar incident happened with my father because he always ignored his finances.
Last month, when he checked his statement on my request, he noticed a Tyler Technologies charge on his credit card. He didn’t have any clue about the charge and didn’t recognize it. So, I contacted customer care and asked for more details about the charge and get to know about it. In this article, I will explain what is Tyler Technologies and why they charge you.
What Is Tyler Technologies Charge?
Tyler Technologies is a fintech company that provides payment solutions for various Government services and schools. They also provide payment gateways for local government merchant services. Their cloud-based encrypted payment wall protects every user from data breaches and scams.
If you have used any government service recently is the reason you see a Tyler Technologies charge on your credit card and bank statement. Also, they charge a convenience fee for iTax and Toll services.
What To Do If You See An Unauthorized Tyler Technologies Charge?
Now you know what is a Tyler Technologies charge in your statement. But still, if you link up the transaction with any of your recent spending, ask your family members or friends who can use your card for this transaction. If not, then this must be a sign of a fraudulent transaction; some might have your card details and are verifying your details. Contact your card provider and block your card immediately.
Lastly, Tyler Technologies is a registered company that provides online payment solutions for most Government services and Schools. Scammers find hundreds of ways to scam innocent people daily, as credit and debit cards are very easy to scam. Let’s make digital words safe for non-tech-savvy users who are new to ePayments. If you have encountered the same issue, tell us in the comment section below and check out these charges to learn about them:
What Is Vioc Charge On Credit Card?