Have you recently got a new credit card and always keep it safe. But sometimes, when your credit card statement arrives, you get anxious about whether there might be an unknown charge or not.
Last month, my sibling got an unknown PepsiVEN charge on his credit card. He immediately called me and asked me about the charges. I calmed him down and explained what a PepsiVEN charge is and why it appeared on his card statement.
So, in this article, I’ll describe everything about it and how you can recognize an unauthorized Pepsiven charge.
What Is PepsiVEN Charge?
The PepsiVEN charge is associated with PepsiCo. PepsiCo is a carbonated drink company famous for its cola brand Pepsi. If you have used your card for any transaction at the PepsiCo store, website, and vending machine is the reason you see the PepsiVEN charge. The company uses its name, PepsiVen, as a payment description.
What To Do If You Notice An Unauthorized PepsiVEN Charge?
Now you understand why the PepsiVEN charge appears on your credit card statement. If you remember the purchase or have given your card details to a friend for the purchase, it is okay. It is a one-time charge and never appears again. But if you don’t link up the transaction with any spent last month, then your card details have been compromised. Take immediate steps and block your card before it’s too late.
PepsiCo is one of the trusted companies; they don’t charge unnecessarily. Checking your card statement thoroughly is very important as it protects you from fraud. Always lock your card after use so that no one can use it in case your card details get compromised. These are some precautions that you can use to stay protected, and if you want to know about other charges, here are some of them listed below:
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