Credit card scams are increasing rapidly in this fast-growing online era, where everything from paying electricity bills to paying for courses has shifted online. Credit cards are vital in our lives as they offer flexible spending options. Many users keep getting unwanted and unrecognized charges on their credit cards.
As last month, I was charged with the Parlevel Texas charge and wondered what this charge was. I immediately gathered information about the charge and covered all of you who were charged with Parlevel Texas on your credit card. I have explained everything about it and why you are charged with the Parlevel Texas charge.
What Is Parlevel Texas Charge?
Parlevel Texas is a San Antonio-based company providing software and hardware support to increase accountability and boost your business sales. Parlevel also provides installation services for vending machines and more.
If you are seeing the Parlevel Texas charge on your card then that’s because you must have used your credit card to pay for the Parlevel Texas services or software and any purchase at their vending machines. The Parlevel charge often shows in the description as Parlevel Texas Hunt Valley MD, Parlevel System Charge, etc.
What To Do If You See An Unauthorized Parlevel Texas Charge?
If you do not recall using the Parlevel vending machine or software and hardware services and suspect this charge to be a fraud, then contact the Parlevel Texas customer service team at (210) 200-8873 or email them at and ask for details about the charge.
If you don’t recognize the transaction contact your bank or credit card service team and talk to them about this suspicious activity on your card, and ask them to block your card to stop any further transactions.
Lastly, you should never share your card details with anyone until you are not sure what you are using your card for. Also, if you detect any fraudulent act being initiated from your card, immediately call your card providers and ask them to block the card.
You can also check other charges like:
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